New Zebra Dry Plates

Zebra Dry Plates just got Upgraded!

 Hello Zebra Family,  It's been a while since my last chat with you as you are keeping me unbelievably busy all the time. My main moto in the last few months has been work more sleep less :D Joke to the side I can not complain about how the Zebra brand has been growing lately becoming more and more recognizable in our analog community. I am very happy that Zebra products are now known for their quality but there is always room to improve things. Besides...

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Can Dry Plates be developed with Pyro?

When we talk about Pyro developers it always seems like this is a relatively new and modern invention but that is far from being true. Pyrogallol developer is actually the oldest B&W developer that was widely used in the 19th century but went completely off the radar in the 20th century. It slowly made its proper comeback in the last few years. Back in the 19th century Pyro was the developer of choice by the majority of Dry Plate photographers so I have decided to give it a try.

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How to reuse Zebra Dry Plates

If you shoot analog on a regular basis you know how much film gets wasted due to experimenting, failed exposures and so on. In a very short time you are left with a stack of unusable film. I have the exact same problem with dry plates and because nature already has enough weist on its shoulders I would like to show you how dry plates or even modern film can be recoated and reused. Types of...

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Sabattier Effect – Detailed Step by Step Tutorial

In this tutorial I would like to explain and talk about a very interesting darkroom phenomenon that I came across recently and it absolutely stunned me with its beauty. But let's start at the beginning... A few days ago while scrolling through Facebook I was shocked by a direct positive Zebra Dry Plate that was shared by one of my customers. I had to ask him how he did it and he responded that he had no intention of making a positive but it was all just an accident. He told me how he made...

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Hey guys its been quite a while since I last gave you updates on my shipping container darkroom. For those of you who are new to my Blog I have built my dream darkroom all by myself inside a 2,5x6m shipping container from the electricity to darkroom sink. I have been using it for well over a year now and it became my studio where I produce Zebra products, film videos, design new things... The container is separated into two part light-room and darkroom. The light part of the container has a big window that...

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How to make Silver Gelatine emulsion

Basic Silver Gelatine Emulsion Tutorial – Step by Step

Introduction In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a basic silver gelatin emulsion from scratch. I will guide you step by step through the entire process, covering equipment, materials, and sharing valuable tips and tricks I have learned on my emulsion-making journey. This process, invented nearly 150 years ago, became the foundation of analog photography and remains the core technology behind all light-sensitive materials, from paper to film. The first time I made a photographic emulsion was a few years ago when I attempted to reproduce the legendary Autochrome...

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Reuse scrap Dry Plates & Large Format Film

If you shoot analog on a regular basis you know how much film gets wasted due to experimenting, failed exposures and so on. In a very short time you are left with a stack of unusable film. I have the exact same problem with dry plates and because nature already has enough weist on its shoulders I would like to show you how dry plates or even modern film can be recoated and reused. Types of base / support ? Emulsion can be coated on different...

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Salt print – Detailed Step by Step Walkthrough

Introduction I love working with alternative printing processes because they require only a few ingredients and are perfect for those interested in learning the fundamental principles of recording light. One of the earliest alternative printing techniques for transforming negatives into positive prints was salt printing, a process pioneered in the mid-1830s by Henry Fox Talbot. Talbot’s method involved soaking plain writing paper in a weak solution of ordinary table salt, followed by a strong silver solution. This treatment rendered the paper light-sensitive, allowing it to darken upon exposure to sunlight. Once fixed with a...

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Making Kodak D-19 from scratch with Original Recipe

In this week's Blog I am showing you how to make Kodak D-19 Developer from scratch including all the steps and recipes. Developing film at home is always a special pleasure if you have the right equipment. Kodak D-19 is really hard to get these days specially now during the lockdown when everything has to be bought online. I always like to make my own stuff as you learn so much along the way. Kodak D-19 is actually made out of only a few ingredients and it's not hard to make so let's start. Kodak...

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Large Format Landscape Photography in Pouring Rain

Two weeks ago I launched commercially available hand coated 4x5 glass dry plates meaning I spent a lot of time in my shipping container darkroom producing, packing and sending them all around the world. It's an incredible honor to be able to bring some history back and produce light sensitive materials that others can make images with. If you would like to try them out they are available in my Store. I really love doing it but I also love to be out in the field and explore the nature. It has been a while since I packed...

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